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The Golden Egg-stravaganza: The Farmer's Fowl Tale of Fabulous Fortunes!

Once upon a time, a farmer had a goose that laid one golden egg every day. The egg provided enough money for the farmer and his wife to support their daily needs, so they were happy for a long time.


One day, the farmer thought to himself, "Why take only one egg a day? Why not take all the eggs at once and make..."


The farmer got excited at the idea of taking all the eggs at once. He thought about how much money they would have all at once.


The next day, the farmer decided to take all the eggs at once. He grabbed the goose and took all the golden eggs out.


To his dismay, when the farmer cracked open the eggs, they were all normal eggs. The golden egg was gone, and the goose never laid another golden egg again.


The farmer regretted his greed and wished he had never been so greedy. He realized that being patient and grateful for what he had was more important.


The farmer learned his lesson and understood that greed leads to loss. He apologized to the goose, but it was too late. From then on, they lived content with the normal eggs.


The farmer and his wife learned to be grateful for what they had. The goose continued to lay eggs, and they lived happily ever after, appreciating each one.