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Lulu & Peach's Whiz-Tastic Trike Adventure!

Lulu and Peach were two happy sisters that loved to ride with their grandma Ibu in her electric trike.


Grandma Ibu's electric trike had a basket on the back where Lulu and Peach could sit and enjoy the ride around the neighborhood.


Lulu had curly brown hair with a pink ribbon, and Peach had long straight black hair tied with a pink bow. They both loved to laugh and sing while riding in the basket.


On their way to the park, they rode through a colorful garden full of flowers. Grandma Ibu would stop, and the girls would admire the beauty while grandma picked a few to take home.


When they arrived at the park, Lulu and Peach would get off the trike and play on the swings and slides. Grandma Ibu sat on a bench, watching them with a smile.


After playing, they sat on a blanket, eating delicious sandwiches and fruits. Grandma Ibu told them stories about when she was their age and how much she loved playing with her sisters.


On the way back home, they rode under a big tree with lots of branches and leaves. The girls loved to watch the leaves move with the wind, and Grandma Ibu taught them a song about trees.


When they arrived home, Lulu and Peach washed their faces and brushed their teeth, then went to bed. Grandma Ibu kissed them goodnight, and they fell asleep quickly, dreaming of the fun they'll have the next day.