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The Purrfect Plan: The Tale of a Cat's Quest to Be Lion-Hearted!

Once upon a time, there was a little cat named Mittens. One day, he said to his mom, "Mom, I want to be a lion!" "But why?" she asked. "Because lions are big and strong and they roar really loud," replied Mittens. "Well, you're perfect just the way you are," said his mom. "But if being a lion is what you want, let's go ask the wise owl for some advice."


Mittens and his mom walked away from the wise owl feeling discouraged. "Maybe we should just give up and be content with who we are," said Mittens gloomily. "But never forget," replied his mom, "you may not be a lion, but you have your own strengths and talents that make you special." Mittens smiled and felt much better.