The Great Worm Train

By You & Robot

The great worm train was a magical creature that lived beneath the earth. It was huge and long, and it had hundreds of train cars filled with earth-digging worms. The worm train was so powerful that it could drill through the earth, creating huge tunnels and caverns.


The worm train was bored of its life underground, so it decided to go on an adventure. It tunneled up to the surface and started drilling through the earth, creating huge holes. The earth-digging worms were so excited that they started to squirm and wiggle around, causing the train to move in a weird, wiggly way.


The worm train drilled through the earth for days, creating a giant network of tunnels. Eventually, the train reached a huge cavern that was filled with cheese. The earth-digging worms were so excited that they started to eat the cheese, and the train became stuck.


The worm train was stuck in the cavern for days, until a group of brave mice came and rescued it. The mice gnawed through the train's wheels, and the worm train was finally freed. The train was so grateful that it decided to stay in the cavern and help the mice eat all the cheese.