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ذكاء أرنب

Once upon a time, there was a clever rabbit named ذكاء أرنب. He lived in a cozy burrow surrounded by tall trees. One day, while hopping through the forest, he stumbled upon a mysterious treasure map. Excited, ذكاء أرنب decided to follow it and see what adventures awaited him.


As ذكاء أرنب carefully jumped from stone to stone, he felt the thrill of adventure. He balanced and hopped, his paws landing on each stone with precision. With a triumphant leap, he reached the other side of the river, feeling brave and proud.


ذكاء أرنب hopped over to a nearby squirrel and politely asked for help. The squirrel chattered with excitement and led ذكاء أرنب to a hidden path. They journeyed through a magical meadow filled with colorful flowers and friendly animals. Together, they discovered a secret shortcut that would guide ذكاء أرنب to his treasure.


شعر ذكاء أرنب بالسعادة والامتنان وهو يعود إلى مكانه. شكر الأصدقاء الحيوانات على مساعدتهم ووعدهم بزيارة جديدة. واستعد لسواليف جديدة ومغامرات مثيرة. كان لديه بالفعل رغبة في مشاركة قصته المثيرة والحماسية مع باقي الأرانب في الحفرة.


The End

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