The Adventures of Ali and the Infinite Universe: A Tale of Worship and Good Deeds
In a universe so vast, with no end in sight,
There's a creator, Allah, who made it just right.
Allah made us to worship, to love and obey,
In our hearts and our actions, every single day.
The heart is so crucial, the brain of our being,
With faith and intentions, fear and love, we are seeing.
Our deeds and our actions, both big and small,
Reflect what's inside us, one and all.
The soul in our bodies, the essence of life,
Without it, we'd wither and face endless strife.
With three types of souls, each guiding our way,
To do what's right, each and every day.
Responsible are we, for three rights to uphold,
Our duty to Allah, ourselves, and others untold.
Prophet Muhammad, in his wise decree,
Divided his time, for his loved ones and Thee.
First and foremost, Allah's right is to believe,
To worship Him alone, no others to deceive.
To learn and grow, to stand tall and true,
Is our right unto ourselves, to pursue.
Treating others with kindness, to all extend,
Is a general right, on which we depend.
Allah's guidance for manners, actions, and ways,
Keeps us clean, neat, and in good praise.
In worship, in habits, in dealings so fair,
It's important to learn, so we have much to share.
Allah's rules are here to guide us, you see,
To be clean, kind, and loved, just like me.