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Nadia's Nuts-er Nuzzle: The Tale of the Tree-Climbing Baby Bird!

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Nadia who loved spending her days playing in the garden. One sunny afternoon, something caught her eye - a magnificent big tree standing tall and proud.


Curiosity sparkled in Nadia's eyes as she looked up and discovered a cozy little nest resting on one of the branches. The nest seemed to be inviting her to solve its mystery.


Determined to unravel the secrets hidden within the nest, Nadia carefully began her ascent. She put on her bravest face, ready to face any challenges that may come her way.


As Nadia reached the top of the tree, her heart sank at the sight of a baby bird crying helplessly in the nest. It was clear to her that this little creature needed her help.


Without a moment's hesitation, Nadia grabbed her net and gently tried to catch the baby bird. She knew that rescuing it from its distress was the right thing to do.


Once Nadia held the baby bird in her hands, she noticed something was wrong. The bird had a small, broken nose. Nadia knew she needed to act quickly to help the bird heal.


Using her gentle touch and her patience, Nadia carefully fixed the bird's broken nose. With each sweet gesture, she could see the bird's gratitude growing, and it filled her heart with joy.


Nadia knew the baby bird needed strength, so she shared some nuts she had found earlier. The bird happily gobbled them up, feeling nourished and loved by its newfound friend.