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The Cat Who Wanted to be a Dog

The Cat Who Wanted to be a Dog

By You & Robot


There was once a cat who wanted to be a dog. The cat didn't like the way that cats lived. They always seemed to be waiting around for someone to pet them or give them food. Dogs, on the other hand, seemed to have all the fun. They got to go for walks and play fetch. They got to be the center of attention.


So the cat decided to try to become a dog. It started by acting like a dog. It would bark at people and try to chase cars. But no matter how hard it tried, it just couldn't seem to get the hang of it.


The cat was starting to get discouraged, but it didn't give up. It kept trying and trying, and eventually it started to make some progress. It learned how to fetch and how to sit. It even started to enjoy going for walks.


The cat was happy that it had finally managed to become a dog, but it still missed some things about being a cat. It missed being able to sleep all day and having someone always there to pet it. But it was happy to have found a new way to experience the world.