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Lana's Aschenputtel Garten Adventure - A Tale of Sweet Animal Play!

ذهبت لانا


Aschenputtel was her name, With nothing but animals as friends, Whose hearts had no judgment or hate, But offered love without any ends.


Lana, a beloved white rabbit, Hopped around Aschenputtel with glee, In this garden of peace and love, Their joy was a sight to see.


And in this serene and tranquil place, Fluttered butterflies of wondrous hues, With graceful wings that took to space, A sight that brought them out of their blues.


A majestic deer came on the scene, With antlers that shone in the sun, Aschenputtel and Lana both gazed in awe, As their love for animals was never done.


Nearby, a flowing stream cascaded, Glistening under the warm sun's light, A little pond with water, shaded, Was their favorite spot, beaming bright.


Aschenputtel and Lana soon took rest, Laying down on grass so green, They plucked juicy fruits with zest, Splendid, as the world was unseen.


And as the day came to a close, With the sun setting over the sky, Aschenputtel and Lana arose, Bid farewell, letting out a sigh.