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The Tail of Mousey Morals

Once upon a time, there was a small brown mouse named Marvin. Marvin was timid and nervous around other animals, often hiding when they were near.


Marvin lived in a hole in the wall of an old, abandoned house. He spent most of his days hiding in his hole, watching the world go by outside.


One day, a group of mice came to visit Marvin. They laughed and teased him, calling him a coward and saying he was too scared to leave his hole.


Feeling ashamed and embarrassed, Marvin decided to gather his courage and venture out of his hole. He slowly made his way out into the big, scary world beyond.


As he was exploring, a large hawk suddenly swooped down and tried to attack him. Terrified, Marvin tried to run away, but the hawk was too fast for him.


Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a wise old owl appeared and chased away the hawk. The owl then comforted Marvin and told him that he was brave for facing his fear.


Feeling reassured and encouraged by the owl’s words, Marvin returned to his hole with a newfound confidence. He no longer felt like a timid mouse, but a brave one who had faced his fears and survived.


From then on, Marvin became an inspiration to the other mice. He taught them to be brave and face their fears, even if they were scared. And so, Marvin lived bravely ever after.