The Fat Girl

By You & Robot

There was once a young woman who got fat on purpose. She had always been a little on the heavy side, but one day she decided that she wanted to be really fat. So she started eating lots of food, and she didn't exercise at all. Pretty soon, she was as big as a house.


The young woman loved being fat. She loved how she looked and how she felt. She loved how people would stare at her in disgust and how they would try to avoid sitting next to her on the bus. It made her feel powerful, like she was in control.


One day, the young woman went to the doctor for a check-up. The doctor was shocked at how much weight she had gained and he told her that she was putting her health at risk. The young woman didn't care. She was happy being fat and she didn't want to change.


The doctor warned her that if she didn't lose weight, she would eventually have to have surgery to remove the excess skin from her body. The young woman laughed. She was perfectly happy being fat and she had no intention of ever changing.