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Swing High, Swing Kind: Josie's Lesson in Tree-Top Kindness

Josie swung on the tree, enjoying the breeze and the height she reached effortlessly. She was having a wonderful time.


Kade, Josie's cousin, asked for a turn on the swing. Josie hesitated, not wanting to share her favorite spot on the farm.


Despite Kade's persistent requests, Josie continued to shake her head, reluctant to let him have a turn on the swing.


Suddenly, Josie remembered the story about kindness that she heard at church. She realized she needed to practice this virtue.


Josie surprised Kade by offering him a big push on the swing. With a huge smile, Kade soared high, almost touching the tree tops.


Kade couldn't stop laughing and thanked Josie for being so kind and sharing her favorite spot with him. They both had a great time.


As the sun set on the farm, Josie and Kade walked back to the house, feeling happy and grateful for the fun they had together.