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Fatem-Buddies Forever: A Tale of Friendship between Fatema and Badr

Fatima had just moved to a new city and had no friends. She felt lonely and sad all the time. One day, while sitting at the park, she saw a boy named Bader playing football with his friends.


Bader noticed Fatima sitting alone and came over to say hello. They quickly became friends and played together in the park every day. Fatima was happy to have a friend like Bader.


One day, Bader invited Fatima over to his house to play video games. Fatima was excited to see where her new friend lived. They spent the entire day playing games and eating snacks.


One day, on their walk to school, they saw an old man struggling to cross the street. They both rushed to help him and made sure he safely crossed. The old man was grateful and gave them each a candy as a thank you.


Fatima had a beautiful garden in her backyard but it needed some work. Bader offered to help her and together they planted new flowers and plants. They were proud of their hard work and enjoyed spending time in the garden.


Fatima had a lot of books to carry home from school one day. Bader saw how heavy her backpack was and offered to help her carry it home. They walked and talked about their favorite books along the way.


One sunny day, they decided to have a picnic in the park. They packed sandwiches, fruit, and juice and spent the day playing games and enjoying the sun. It was a perfect day spent with a perfect friend.


Fatima realized that having a friend like Bader made her happy and never felt lonely again. They hugged at the end of the day and promised to always be there for each other. Friendship was what mattered the most.