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How Life Started on Earth

How Life Started on Earth

By You & Robot


It all started with a big bang. The universe was created in an instant, and it was filled with energy and matter.


Over time, the matter and energy cooled and formed into stars and planets. One of those planets was Earth.


Earth was a special planet because it had the perfect conditions for life. It had water and land, and it was just the right distance from the sun.


Life started on Earth when the right conditions came together to create the first living things. From there, life evolved and changed, and eventually humans appeared.


Humans are the most advanced life form on Earth, and we have the ability to change and adapt to our environment. We are the only species that can do that, and it's what makes us special.


We don't know for sure how life started on Earth, but we do know that it's a miracle. Life is a gift, and we should cherish it.