The Fat Wife

By You & Robot

John was married to the woman of his dreams. She was beautiful, smart, and successful. But there was one problem: John was secretly attracted to overweight women. He had always been fascinated by their soft, ample bodies, and the thought of his wife getting bigger and bigger was more than he could resist.


So John set out to fatten up his wife. He started secretly feeding her high-calorie foods, sneaking them into her meals when she wasn't looking. He watched with excitement as her waistline began to expand. But as the days went by, John became more and more anxious. What if his wife found out? What would she think of him then?


One day, John's worst fears came true. His wife confronted him, demanding to know why she was gaining weight. John was horrified. He tried to deny it, but his wife wasn't convinced. She threatened to leave him if he didn't come clean.


So John told her the truth: he admitted that he was attracted to overweight women and that he had been trying to fatten her up. His wife was stunned. But after a long talk, she decided to forgive John and stay with him. In fact, she even found herself starting to enjoy the attention her new body was getting from her husband.