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Bunny and Snail's Adventure Escargoes Wild

In a forest deep, where the trees grew tall, Lived Bunny and Snail, in a cozy little haul. Bunny loved to hop and jump all around, But it was hard for Snail, who crawled on the ground. They were best of friends, and never did fight, But they often struggled with what was right. Bunny wanted to play all day in the sun, While Snail preferred a quiet, slow run. One day, Bunny had an idea in mind, To explore the world, and leave the forest behind. Snail was hesitant, but Bunny was bold, And soon they set off, to a world yet untold. They crossed rivers and valleys, climbed hills so high, And saw the most wondrous things under the sky. Together they laughed and shared many a joke, As they wandered and traveled, it sure was no joke. For Bunny and Snail, the journey was grand, And as long as they were together, all was well in their land.