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Ellie's Epic Flight Quest: Soaring High with the Birds!

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived an elephant who had a big dream. He dreamt of soaring high in the sky like a bird, feeling the wind rush through his ears. But every time he tried to flap his ears and take off, he would only end up falling back to the ground. The other animals in the forest would laugh and tease him, saying, "Elephants can't fly, silly!" But the elephant didn't let their words discourage him. He believed in himself and his dream. One day, a wise old owl overheard the elephant talking about his dream and decided to help him. The owl taught the elephant about determination and persistence, and how important it was to never give up. The elephant practiced flapping his ears every day, slowly getting stronger and more confident. One sunny morning, the elephant took a deep breath, flapped his ears with all his might, and finally, he lifted off the ground. The other animals in the forest watched in awe as the elephant soared through the sky, living his dream. From that day on, the elephant became known as the flying elephant, inspiring others to believe in their dreams too. And as he flew high above the forest, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the wise old owl who had believed in him.