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The Bullies Who Bounced Back: A Tale of Teasing Turned Triumph

In a sunny park, a group of children played happily together, running and laughing under the bright blue sky.


But one little boy sat alone on a bench, watching sadly as the others played without him, feeling left out.


One of the children noticed the sad boy and started teasing him, calling him names and making fun of him.


The sad boy's eyes filled with tears as he walked away, feeling hurt and alone because of the mean words.


But another child, kind and caring, went to the sad boy, wiped his tears, and offered to play with him.


Soon, all the children were playing happily together, including the once sad boy, feeling included and joyful.


They held hands in a circle, smiling and laughing, knowing that kindness and friendship were the true treasures.


And from that day on, the children stood together against bullying, always choosing to be kind and inclusive to everyone.