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How the Brother of Lord Burlesdon Became the 'King of Ruritania': A Tale of Royal Tutelage!

Arthur Hastings waved goodbye to his family as he boarded the train to Ruritania, pretending to go to school but in reality he had a different plan.


Arthur's brother, Lord Burlesdon, had recently become the King of Ruritania but he had a wife, making his rule unstable. Arthur saw an opportunity to help his brother.


Arthur arrived in the bustling capital of Ruritania, where he was surprised to see the chaos and poverty that existed alongside the glamour of the royal palace.


Arthur snuck into the palace and presented himself as a distant relative of the royal family, but was met with suspicion from the butlers and guards who were not easily fooled.


As Arthur searched for a way to help his brother, he stumbled upon the palace library and found some ancient records that might reveal some secrets about the country's past and the legitimacy of the monarchy.


Arthur met with his brother in secret and revealed his plan to help him solidify his rule, but Lord Burlesdon was hesitant to trust his younger brother.


Arthur's plan was discovered by the traitors in the palace, and he had to run for his life through the dark and labyrinthine grounds while guards and dogs pursued him.


Arthur eventually escaped and reunited with his brother, who thanked him for his bravery and ingenuity. Arthur realized that he had a newfound appreciation for his brother and his kingdom.


In the end, Lord Burlesdon was crowned King with Arthur by his side, and a grand coronation ceremony was held in the capital with a joyous crowd cheering their new king and his loyal brother.