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Kalila and Damhah, a Tale of Two Halves!

In a peaceful land, young Damhah, a prince, Had a best friend, Kalila, of noble descent. Together they roamed the lush fields with ease, Laughing and singing with hearts content.


One day, while wandering in a nearby wood, They stumbled upon hunters with evil in mind. Kalila spoke out, her courage shining bright, But the hunters did not take kindly to her kind.


Damhah and Kalila ran for their lives, But soon they found their path was blocked. Kalila, selfless and brave, made a sacrifice, To give Damhah time to flee, alone and unharmed.


Damhah ran on with tears filling his eyes, Traumatized by the loss of his dear friend. He vowed to seek justice, to make it right, And avenge Kalila, to the bitter end.


He left his kingdom, on a dangerous quest, To find Kalila's killers, wherever they may roam. Armed with nothing but his courage, he journeyed forth, Neither fear nor hesitance in his heart, alone.


As he ventured deep into the forest's heart, He chanced upon a hooded figure, his heart leapt. It was Kalila's father, once a friend of his father, Together they set out to punish the unjust, upset.


Together, their journey was long and grueling, But soon they found themselves in the hunters' domain. They fought long and hard until the end was near, Justice finally served, all of them were slain.


Damhah avenged his dear friend, in battle won, But he knew it would never bring her back. He returned to his kingdom, heart heavy, done, Wiser and braver, though his spirit, forever lacked.