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Snap Happy: The Tale of the Budding Photographer

The sound of the shutter echoed in the quiet room as Hercule Poirot took a photograph of a young woman lying on the ground. She had been shot, and her body was sprawled out on the floor in a lifeless pose. Poirot couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him as he developed the photograph in the darkroom.


As he developed the rest of the photographs, he noticed something odd. In each of the photos, there was a figure lurking in the shadows, watching from a distance. Poirot couldn't make out who it was, but he knew this wasn't a coincidence. He gathered the rest of the photos and placed them on the table, taking a closer look at each of them.


As he examined them, he noticed a coffee stain on one of the photographs. He recognized it as the mark of his colleague, Captain Hastings. He remembered the day Hastings had come over and spilled his coffee all over the pictures. He couldn't help but think that maybe Hastings had seen something he wasn't supposed to. Poirot decided to pay his old friend a visit.


Upon arriving at Hastings' house, Poirot saw a vintage camera on Hastings' bookshelf. He had always been a fan of photography, and he knew this wasn't just any old camera. Poirot inspected the camera closely and found that the lens was missing. He couldn't help but wonder if the lens had been used to take those eerie photographs.


As they chatted, Poirot noticed a darkroom in the corner of the room. Hastings had always been known for his love of photography. Poirot approached the trays of developing chemicals and found a tray of undeveloped film. Could this be the missing piece of the puzzle? Poirot quickly grabbed the tray and headed back to his own darkroom to develop the photos.


As Poirot worked on developing the film, he heard a sound behind him. It was Hastings, hunched over the telephone. He seemed to be talking to someone urgently. Poirot couldn't make out exactly what he was saying, but he knew something wasn't right. Hastings was acting strange.


As Poirot examined the newly developed photos, he found one that was more disturbing than the others. It was a photo of Hastings, holding a gun with a shell on his desk. Poirot couldn't believe his eyes. His dear friend was the one behind the strange photographs. But why? Poirot knew he had to confront Hastings.


As Poirot confronted Hastings, he demanded answers. Hastings revealed that he had taken the photos as evidence. He had caught two men in the act of discussing something sinister, and he knew they were up to no good. Poirot couldn't believe what he was hearing. But as he looked closer at the photos, he saw the two men in a heated conversation, and he knew that Hastings had been telling the truth all along.