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محمد نجيب

الميلاد والنشأة ولد محمد نجيب يوسف فى 20 فبراير عام 1901 بالخرطوم من أب مصري وأم سودانية. وكان الأخ الأكبر لتسع أبناء، ولقد عاش مع والده البكباشي بالجيش المصري يوسف نجيب حتى حصل على الثانوية العامة عام 1917.


Growing up in a small village by the Nile, the president learned the value of hard work. He sold goods at the bustling marketplace to help his family.


Despite being poor, the president cherished education. He studied under the dim streetlamps at night and dreamed of one day leading his country.


He attended school and soon became a teacher himself. He inspired young minds to reach for the stars and chase their dreams.


His passion for education led him to travel abroad to learn more. He studied in the great cities of Europe and brought that knowledge home.


He worked his way up the political ladder, earning respect and trust from his colleagues. He knew that the key to a better future was unity and progress.


As president, he tackled the biggest challenges head-on. He built bridges, dams, and canals to bring irrigation to the farthest corners of the land.


Under his leadership, Egypt soared to new heights. The people revered their leader, and the world watched in awe. He was the first president of the Arab Republic of Egypt.