الأرانب وملك الفيلة إعداد دعاء ناصر
Once upon a time, in a magical forest, lived the rabbits and the elephant king. They were different sizes, but they were the best of friends. Every day, they played and laughed, sharing adventures and secrets. The rabbits loved their big friend, the elephant king, and he loved them just as much. Together, they created special memories that would last forever.
The rabbits and the elephant king cautiously entered the dark cave. Flickering torches illuminated the path. They discovered glittering gems and sparkling coins, filling their hearts with excitement. But suddenly, a loud rumble echoed through the cave, startling them all. Will they find a way out? To be continued...
The rabbits and the elephant king followed the map's intriguing directions. They leaped over giant leaves, swam across a crystal-clear lake, and climbed a towering tree. Finally, they reached a hidden cave. What treasures awaited them inside? They held their breath and stepped forward, ready for the unknown.
As they took the path on the left, colorful butterflies danced around the rabbits and the elephant king. The air was filled with enchanting whispers, guiding them deeper into the forest. They followed the butterflies, their hearts filled with anticipation, ready for the enchanting surprises that awaited them ahead.