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The Adventures of Selfie the Confident Camel: Hump Day Heroics!

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who was always full of confidence and belief in himself.


He loved playing with his friends in the park, where they would run, jump, and have so much fun together.


But sometimes, he would hesitate and doubt himself, wondering if he was good enough.


His friends would always cheer him on and remind him of how talented and special he was.


One night, the boy looked up at the sky and saw a bright star, filling him with a sense of wonder and confidence.


From that day on, the boy stood tall, proud, and full of self-assurance, knowing that he could achieve anything he set his mind to.


He became a source of encouragement for his friends, always spreading positivity and helping others believe in themselves.


With his newfound confidence and support from his friends, the boy's days were filled with joy, laughter, and endless possibilities.