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Salty Adventures: The Legendary Journey of the Salt Merchant and His Ass-tounding Donkey!

Once upon a time, in a cozy village, lived a kind salt merchant and his donkey, Jack. They traveled together, carrying bags of salt upon Jack's back. But one day, something extraordinary happened that changed their lives forever.


But they didn't lose hope! The merchant had an idea. He quickly ran to a nearby house and borrowed a huge basket. He carefully filled it with sponges and placed it on Jack's back. The sponges soaked up the water, making the donkey light as a feather, and they continued their journey.


The merchant watched with worry as the salt dissolved in the river, leaving them with nothing to sell. But moments later, a clever idea sparkled in his mind as he saw how the water turned salty. The merchant smiled, realizing he could still bring back salt, this time from the river.


The merchant, worried about Jack, tried to think of a solution. Suddenly, he had a brilliant idea. He rushed to the nearest tree, cut a strong branch, and threw it into the river. Grabbing onto the branch, Jack pulled himself out, victorious. They continued their journey, now with a tale to tell.


The merchant, worried about Jack, tried to think of a solution. Suddenly, he had a brilliant idea. He rushed to the nearest tree, cut a strong branch, and threw it into the river. Grabbing onto the branch, Jack pulled himself out, victorious. They continued their journey, now with a tale to tell.


The merchant was astonished, but he didn't lose hope. He fetched a large basket nearby, filled it with sponges, and placed it on the donkey's back. The sponges absorbed the water, making the donkey light as a feather, and they continued on their journey.