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The Dragon Who Couldn't Wait to Date: A Tale of Greed and Gastronomy

Once upon a time, there lived a small dragon and its loving mother. They resided near a beautiful lake, where the waters shimmered under the warm sun.


The little dragon had an insatiable appetite and would devour everything in sight. Its mother realized it was time for her baby to learn to fend for itself.


With a flick of her magical tail, the mother transformed her baby dragon into a human child. She hoped that in this new form, the child would be able to learn valuable skills.


As the child wandered through the village, hungry and clueless, it spotted a person eating a delicious-looking piece of meat. Its mouth watered at the sight.


With a mischievous grin, the child stealthily approached the man from behind and swiftly snatched the food from his hands. Before the man could react, the child was already gone.


Enraged and determined, the man chased after the child dragon. However, the child's newfound human speed allowed it to outpace the man at every turn, leaving the poor man exhausted and empty-handed.


Day after day, the child continued to steal meals from the man. Thirteen times the man fell victim to the clever little dragon, growing more frustrated with each passing theft.


Fed up with the never-ending game, the man devised a plan to capture the greedy dragon. He lured the child with a tempting feast and cunningly trapped it inside a small house.


Confined and saddened, the dragon refused to eat anything. Its once-joyful spirit was now crushed within the four walls of the house.


Three days later, the man approached the despondent dragon with a proposition. He offered to teach the dragon the art of fishing, if only it would stop stealing and causing trouble.


After four long days of fasting, the dragon's hunger finally overcame its stubbornness. It reluctantly agreed to the man's proposal, ready to learn the ways of fishing and cooking.


With patience and guidance, the man taught the dragon the art of fishing. Step by step, the dragon began to understand the techniques and skills required to feed itself.


Observing her child's progress from above, the mother dragon was deeply grateful. She rewarded the man with a shimmering jewel as a token of her appreciation.


With newfound knowledge and an open heart, the dragon started embracing its dual nature. It would transform back and forth, from human to dragon, using its skills to catch fish and cook for itself.


From that day forward, the dragon lived a content and fulfilling life. No longer driven by greed, it nurtured a generous and humble spirit, spreading joy and happiness wherever it went. And so, the dragon lived happily ever after.