Sammy's Spectrum of Success: Balancing Priorities in a Colorful World
In a village filled with vibrant colors, there was a boy named Sami who loved to play and explore everything around him.
One day, Sami's mother decided to teach him an important lesson about priorities by using different colors to represent important things in his life.
Red represented his schoolwork, blue represented playtime with friends, and yellow represented helping his mother at home.
His mother told him, "If you want to be happy, you must prioritize. Give each color its proper time."
The next day, Sami started his day by doing his schoolwork (red), then helped his mother (yellow), and finally enjoyed playing with his friends (blue).
As time passed, Sami noticed that he felt happier. He had enough time for everything and didn't feel pressure or anxiety.
From that day on, Sami always considered his priorities and became a role model in his village.
Lesson learned: Prioritizing helps us achieve balance between duties and interests, making us happier and more successful.