The Goblin's Dilemma

By You & Robot

The goblin known as Grump had been minding his own business, living in his cave and licking his toads, when he received a summons from the Goblin King. Grump was to attend a business meeting with a group of other goblins to discuss a new mining venture.


Grump wasn't exactly thrilled at the prospect of attending a stuffy meeting, but he knew that he had to go. He donned his best suit and set off for the Goblin King's palace.


The meeting was even more boring than Grump had anticipated. The other goblins talked and talked, but nothing was decided. At one point, Grump started to doze off.


Suddenly, he was awoken by a loud bang. One of the other goblins had hit the table with his fist, demanding that a decision be made. They finally agreed to start mining in a new area, and Grump was quickly voted to be the head of the operation.


Grump wasn't sure whether to be pleased or alarmed at his new position. He knew that he would have to work hard, but he also knew that there would be a lot of perks that came with the job. It was a tough decision, but Grump knew that he could handle it.