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The Young Poor Man Who Fell in Love with a Beautiful Rich Princess

The Young Poor Man Who Fell in Love with a Beautiful Rich Princess

By You & Robot


There once was a young man, poor and humble, who fell in love with a beautiful princess. Though he knew he could never hope to win her heart, he could not help but love her from afar.


One day, his fairy godmother appeared to him and said, "My dear boy, I can see that you are in love. I will grant you one wish: to be with the princess of your dreams."


The young man's wish was granted, and he found himself married to the beautiful princess. Though he was overjoyed at first, he soon realized that he was not happy.


He was not happy because he knew that his wife did not love him. She had married him only because of his wealth and status. The young man was heartbroken, but he could not leave his wife.


He decided to make the best of his situation and to try to make his wife fall in love with him. He was patient and kind, and eventually, his wife came to love him as much as he loved her.