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Feline Gourmand: A Tale of One Cat's Gluttony

In a cozy house on the outskirts of town, there lived a chubby, round cat named Edgar. Edgar loved to do one thing and one thing only - eat.


He would gobble up cans of tuna, bowls of cream, and bags of kibble until he couldn't move.


One day, Edgar woke up to find that he could barely fit through his cat door. When he stepped on the scale, it read 20 pounds.


Edgar tried to catch a mouse but found that he couldn't move quickly enough. He got stuck in a box, and it took his owner to free him.


His owner decided that it was time for Edgar to go on a diet. Edgar didn't like it one bit and wore a grumpy face all day long.


But as determined as he was to keep eating, Edgar soon realized that he couldn't keep living like this. He started exercising by chasing a toy mouse.


His owner also started feeding him a bowl of carrots and lettuce instead of the usual cans of tuna, which helped Edgar slim down.


After a few weeks of diet and exercise, Edgar realized that he felt happier and healthier than he had in a long time. He sat on a windowsill with a happy face, purring contentedly.