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The Talking Pen: A Colorful Lesson in Tidiness!

In a beautiful morning, Ghayth sat in his room looking at his school supplies. He loved drawing and writing, but sometimes he would leave his pens scattered and not care much about them.


That day, as he searched for his favorite red pen, he heard a small voice coming from under the table. Ghayth looked around in surprise, but the room was empty.


Suddenly, he heard the voice again: "I'm here, Ghayth!" Ghayth was astonished to find the red pen looking at him and speaking! The pen said, "Ghayth, why don't you take care of us, your friends? We love helping you learn, but you leave us scattered and don't put us back in our place!"


Feeling embarrassed, Ghayth said, "I'm sorry, my pen! I didn't realize I was bothering you." The pen smiled and said, "Let me tell you a little secret, Ghayth. If you take care of us, we will help you create beautiful drawings and write wonderful words. When you put us back in our place after using us, we will always be ready to help you."


From that day on, Ghayth started taking care of his school supplies. He would return his pens to their box, clean them when needed, and tidy his desk every evening. And he noticed something amazing: he started drawing with love and his writing looked neat and beautiful.


And every time he looked at his pen box, he remembered the advice of the red pen: "Taking care of our things makes them happy and helps us more!"